Monday, September 21, 2009


Today I tried a new outift on Makenna that is 3-6 mo. She is almost 5 months old, but stilh has some catching up to do. There happened to be a matching pair of flip flops that are too adorable! I hope, but Brady dreads, that she will be just like me with the shoes and accessories to match every outfit! Of course it is much more difficult for me to continue that for myself since Brady has put me on a budget! And now it is a lot more fun to do that with Makenna.

I am unable to upload the pics right now because my laptop is not opening up my camera. I will have to do them tomorrow. The big computer is turned off due to the storm. It was storming so bad! It sounded like the angels were bowling down my street!! You know that old saying, right? Okay, maybe I'm crazy! Anyways, I was a little worried that Makenna would not be able to sleep. It never phased her! She slept right through and even went to bed a lot earlier! We are going to start trying to put her to bed a little before 8 PM.

Makenna did very well with her 2 meals today at Emily's. She was happy all day and had the major case of the giggles when we got home! It was sooooo adorable! I wish I could record that sound and play it all day long. Ahhhhh, how wonderful that would be! When Brady got home and she saw and heard him, she got the biggest case of the smiles! She definitely loves her Daddy sooo much!

Check back tomorrow for the pics and video I got of her playing in her Einstein bouncer. <><

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