Thanks again for everyone who came and helped us to celebrate. It was a wonderful first birthday!!
Updates: When we went to the dr, she weighed 22 lbs 12 oz, and was in the 40%. She was almost 30 in long (29 3/4), 67%. She is running around, literally!! I can't keep up with her! She is in to everything she can get her hands on! It's amazing the places she can get to and the things she can reach for her small size! She also has 4 teeth now and 2 on their way in the front, and swollen molars in the back.
Some of her favorite food is still any kind of fruit, but it has to be fresh. She is kind of a fruit snob! fruit cups are good enough unless it is from Chic-fil-e. She also still loves any kind of beans or peas, especially black beans and lima beans. She is now really loving chicken from chic-fil-e. I've been getting her some kids meals, but she still isn't allowed to have french fries.
Some of her favorite activities are walking around, playing for hours in her ball pit, taking baths!! We will say to her it is bath time and she takes off running toward the bathroom saying "ba, ba, ba". She can't say the /th/ sound yet. I signed her up for waterbaby 1 classes in June. I am thinking that she will love it since she loves her bath so much, at least I hope so! We already have 5 bathing suits for each day of the week! Now we need some cute towels, maybe that are monogrammed. That is my newest thing I am searching for.
BTW, talking about her dr.'s apt, they were going to give her a chicken pox shot. I declined for now, but can have the option again at 15 mo apt. What is everyone's thoughts on this subject? Dr. Nash said it is to prevent complications from the chicken pox, and that it isn't just about the inconvenience. I don't mind having a chickenpox party when she is a couple of years old-early preK to get it out of the way. Again, I would really like to hear everyone's thoughts, ideas, beliefs, facts....Thanks so much!!!
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