Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sitting Up!

Today was Makenna's first day in a new nursery at a new church. We dressed her in this adorable outfit we got in Bowie (Yes, my new fave place!). She looked A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!! We took this outfit to a place in WF and they made a bow to match the outfit perfectly!

We are practicing sitting up like a big girl! Notice that Daddy's hands are not touching her. This was the end of several pics and she was starting to have enough.

Daddy is barely touching her back to help make sure she stays balanced. I think she is reaching for Mommy! She has been doing that this past week.She wants everyone to see her cute socks that go with the outfit. She's practicing her days as a shoe model!

Now she wants to show off her whole outfit! She's all ruffled up and ready to go!

She was so excited to be watching football....just like her Momma...right Pops?!

This is one of my faves! She is perfect! Again, I think she is reaching for her Mommy!

So for a few weeks now I have been meaning to go through her clothes and bag up what she can't wear anymore. I finally did that yesterday. It took a couple of hours. It's not that she grew real fast and went through a lot of sizes...she really jsut has that many clothes! This isn't even all of it! It may not look like a lot, but it really is! All ready to go for baby Dodson, or Makenna's little sister some day.
We started a new routine this weekend. We are now doing 3 1/2 hour feedings. So far it is working out. I think it will work with Emily this week if I give Makenna 6 oz bottles now. It also is more perfect b/c if it works, I will only have to pump at work 2x! That will really help matters. I will just have to rush home after school is out to nurse her btw 4:00 and 4:30 (keep in mind I have a 25 min drive home, so I have to book-it!). I have decided that in 2 Saturdays, when she is midway btw month 5 & 6, I am going to try a vegetable. I called her dr.'s office and talked to the advice nurse. She was a little helpful and gave some good advice. We have decided that whenever we start something new, it needs to be on a Saturday when we are with her all weekend to work out the kinks.
I am asking all who read this for help. I was told last week of a leaf nursing mothers can put on themselves to make more milk. It seems to have the opposite effect of cabbage. The person who told me about it didn't know what it was called. The pediatrician's office didn't know, nor did the people at Sprouts Farmer's Market. If you know, please comment! Thanks!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lucky Me!

I had a workshop today. Lucky for me, I got a longer lunch, so I got to go nurse Makenna at noon! It made my day so much brighter, and hers too! I sure wish I could do that everyday! :( One of these days.......It was just so wonderful!

We played a lot in our bouncer again today. There are a lot of pics in this series, but each one is so precious and tells a different story! I love each of her facial expressions. Her eyes light up in different ways, and you can see her mind working so hard!

Makenna is mesmerized by her froggy!She's thinking. "Oh my, what neat circles these are!"

Hmmmm, so he moves, eh?

That's so funny! Silly frog!

Watch me spin him, Mommy!

See how good I am?

I'm so proud of myself! What a big girl I am. I will be 5 months tomorrow!!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Today I tried a new outift on Makenna that is 3-6 mo. She is almost 5 months old, but stilh has some catching up to do. There happened to be a matching pair of flip flops that are too adorable! I hope, but Brady dreads, that she will be just like me with the shoes and accessories to match every outfit! Of course it is much more difficult for me to continue that for myself since Brady has put me on a budget! And now it is a lot more fun to do that with Makenna.

I am unable to upload the pics right now because my laptop is not opening up my camera. I will have to do them tomorrow. The big computer is turned off due to the storm. It was storming so bad! It sounded like the angels were bowling down my street!! You know that old saying, right? Okay, maybe I'm crazy! Anyways, I was a little worried that Makenna would not be able to sleep. It never phased her! She slept right through and even went to bed a lot earlier! We are going to start trying to put her to bed a little before 8 PM.

Makenna did very well with her 2 meals today at Emily's. She was happy all day and had the major case of the giggles when we got home! It was sooooo adorable! I wish I could record that sound and play it all day long. Ahhhhh, how wonderful that would be! When Brady got home and she saw and heard him, she got the biggest case of the smiles! She definitely loves her Daddy sooo much!

Check back tomorrow for the pics and video I got of her playing in her Einstein bouncer. <><

Sunday, September 20, 2009

UT Victory!

UT beat Tech last night!! I'm pretty sure it is because Makenna wore her cheerleader outfit complete with a matching bow. That has to be why! See how adorable she looks!! Her Daddy sure would be proud if she went to UT and cheered...or if she just went to UT.

Here are some new pictures from Moni's house. Check out the first two. See the difference, or what they may have in common?

This weekend we started Makenna on 2 meals a day. She will be 5 months on Wednesday. Already?! Yeppers! It sure flies by fast! I can't imagine my life without our precious baby! I am still pumping at work, but have learned that my school district is not allowing any mini friodges in classrooms anymore because it is too expensive. Really? So I am freaking out what to do to store my milk. I think this is ridiculous! I don't have time every day to get ice and put it in a cooler. I am already almost late everyday. We do have a fridge in the Teacher's Lounge, but everyone uses it and it will be opened and closed all day long, so I am afraid the milk won't stay as fresh, or could be dumped. Also, there will be 5, possibly 6 pumping moms in my school. I don't want someone to accidently take my milk or get them mixed up. I am trying to somehow get this waved. Maybe I can get a dr.'s note? I am definitely not feeling supported in the work place. I will get off my soap box now.

Be praying for Ryder Gray Dane. He was born at 29 weeks. He is doing okay so far, but has a spot on his brain. So pray that it is gone by tomorow or they will have to do surgery. Here is a link to their blog:

Monday, September 14, 2009

First Trip to Chuck-e-Cheese

Here are a few pics documenting our trip to every child's dream...Chuck-e-Cheese.
I loved this one of Grandmom kissing Ma-k-k. Although Makenna looks distracted.

Ma-K-K and her Aunt Milea.

She liked those lights!

I love Makenna's reaction to Granddad in this pic!

More of those lights! They are so amusing!

Unfortunately, I did not get a pic of Makenna with her cousins, or the birthday boy. I also don't have a pic of our family of 3. hopefully GiGi got one! Aunt Meo has commented several times that she wants to take the kids to Chuck-e-Cheese's. She is welcome to go the next trip! It was fun though. Brady and I got to be young again and play games. Our fave was "Who want to be a millionaire." It really was loads of fun! We also went against each other in basketball...I lost obviously. But I killed him in Ski ball! It is fun to be young again. When you're 8, your biggest dilemma is who to invite to your birthday party, or which toy you want with your tickets. Aww....memories!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy as a Bee

I am so sorry for not blogging! School started and any free time I had disappeared. I spend my evenings holding and cuddling my adorable baby that I missed all day, cook dinner, clean up, wash all her bottles and pumping supplies from the day, laundary, etc. I am a tad tired, but I'm making it. I was pretty close to being DONE with work the first week, but I held out (mainly because I have a contract, and we need the insurance, and the paychecks!!) and I'm going good. It helps that I have a sweet class. I just really miss Makenna ll day long!

She is doing very well with Emily "Moni", her sitter. She is liking tummy time a lot more because of this "jungle roller" that I will have to go buy now. Makenna is also really enjoying her rice and oatmeal cereal. She is talking A LOT! Her new noise is a short a sound over and over with her tongue hanging out. She also likes to fake cough! Two days ago she started grabbing the handle of the spoon and bringing it to her mouth. I know I am like a broken record, but my baby is truly intelligent and well advanced! She is also the most beautiful baby ever!! So much has hapenned these last two- three weeks. 7 babies were born, 2 trips to Wichita Falls, first time at Chuck-e-Cheese, and much much more! Here are some pics that I have taken. I have posted lots more on my Facebook page. It is:

Totally happy here! This is my fave pic in a while!

Makenna and her friend, Lawson Berardi.

You're probably thinking, "Ah, how cute! She is kissing him!" Well, you are wrong, my friend. She isn't kissing him, she is trying to eat his head!

A 5 generation pic. They only one we are able to do. This is on Brady's dad's mom's side. Got that? Brady didn't come up to WF this trip, so I filled in. Not too many people can do this anymore.
Asleep on Daddy's chest.

Eating my oatmeal cereal. Daddy is making me smile.

Yum! Yum!

Just out of a bath. I think she looks precious! More to come!