She is doing very well with Emily "Moni", her sitter. She is liking tummy time a lot more because of this "jungle roller" that I will have to go buy now. Makenna is also really enjoying her rice and oatmeal cereal. She is talking A LOT! Her new noise is a short a sound over and over with her tongue hanging out. She also likes to fake cough! Two days ago she started grabbing the handle of the spoon and bringing it to her mouth. I know I am like a broken record, but my baby is truly intelligent and well advanced! She is also the most beautiful baby ever!! So much has hapenned these last two- three weeks. 7 babies were born, 2 trips to Wichita Falls, first time at Chuck-e-Cheese, and much much more! Here are some pics that I have taken. I have posted lots more on my Facebook page. It is:
You're probably thinking, "Ah, how cute! She is kissing him!" Well, you are wrong, my friend. She isn't kissing him, she is trying to eat his head!
she's got the most gorgeous eyes!!!